What’s the Best Age for a Brow Lift?

What's the best age for a brow lift?

As much as we might wish for definite answers, the truth is that no two people will age in exactly the same way. Therefore, the best age for a brow lift varies greatly from person to person. It is based on their genetics, diet, and skincare routine. That being said, most certified plastic surgeons state …

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The Best Season for Eyelid Surgery

Best season for eyelid surgery.

It’s winter, and while you’re hunkering down for months of cold and rain, your local cosmetic eyelid surgeon is getting ready to work. Winter may not be their busiest season, but most plastic surgeons agree that it is actually the ideal time to have any procedure done. Their reasoning is pretty straightforward. You can usually …

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When Do Under Eye Circles Appear?

Although under eye circles are frequently associated with poor sleep, there are a number of conditions that could increase their appearance. Age, ethnicity, allergies, dehydration, and even overexposure to the sun are all possible factors that may be contributing to the visibility of your dark circles. It may seem like many disparate pieces, but once …

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The Common Habits that Are Aging Your Skin

No one wants to age prematurely. We spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars every year to purchase the products and treatments that give us the best chance of maintaining our youthful glow for as long as possible. Unfortunately, if you have any of these daily habits, you may actually be undoing all of your …

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Negative Effects of Appearing Tired

Missing out on sleep is never fun. And there are plenty of negative effects of appearing tired. You wake up begrudgingly lethargic and looking more than a little worse for the wear. Despite the widespread understanding that sleep is necessary for our health, millions of Americans live with the consequences of a sleep deficit. Unfortunately, …

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The Link between Smoking and Under-Eye Bags

The negative side effects of smoking have been well-established by decades of scientific research. Increased rates of cancer, respiratory diseases, coronary heart disease, and stroke are just a few of the side effects we’re used to hearing about. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg because smoking causes even more damage than you may realize. …

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